Trendrapporter Marknadsföring
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Trendrapporter: Marknadsföring
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anemptytextllineLever Interactive
anemptytextllineLever Interactive
anemptytextllineSocially Nina Thomas
anemptytextllineLever Interactive
Framtidskarta 2000-2050 Marknadsföring

September 16
The future of corporate and startup innovation: a short-term boom in “tech tourism” but structured programmes emerging as the long-term winner
After an initial rise in “tech tourism” – shorter term activity ranging from trips to tech HQs to less formal partnerships – a longer-term model will win out. While 83% of startups value the publicity from these short-term models, 80% of corporates believe that startups can have a positive impact on large companies’ approaches to innovation. Read more

September 16
What will travel look like in 2030?
The travel and tourism industry has grown dramatically in the past decades, reaching nearly 1.2 billion international arrivals in 2015, compared to 25 million in 1950. That’s a growth of 4,700% – and this number is only expected to get bigger, reaching 1.8 billion international arrivals by 2030. You might be surprised, but it’s one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Read more